THREE decades
of experience
Dear Customers,
Due to recent events, we, Gammagroup Industriegüter Handelsgesellschaft mbH, feel compelled to explicitly distance ourselves from our former employee Mr. Hichem Rekibi.
With immediate effect, Mr Rekibi is no longer permitted to act on behalf of Gammagroup Industriegüter Handelsgesellschaft mbH and Gamma Management Services GmbH.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this matter.
On behalf of the management
Liebe Kund*innen,
aufgrund der jüngsten Ereignisse sehen wir, die Gammagroup Industriegüter Handelsgesellschaft mbH, uns dazu gezwungen, uns ausdrücklich von unserem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter Herrn Hichem Rekibi zu distanzieren.
Ab sofort ist es Herrn Rekibi nicht länger gestattet, im Namen der Gammagroup Industriegüter Handelsgesellschaft mbH sowie der Gamma Management Services GmbH zu handeln.
Gerne stehen wir Ihnen bei Rückfragen in dieser Sache jederzeit zur Verfügung.
im Auftrag der Geschäftsführung
Chers clients,
En raison des récents événements, nous, Gammagroup Industriegüter Handelsgesellschaft mbH, nous voyons obligés de nous distancer expressément de notre ancien collaborateur Monsieur Hichem Rekibi.
Dès maintenant, Monsieur Rekibi n’est plus autorisé à agir au nom de Gammagroup Industriegüter Handelsgesellschaft mbH ainsi que de Gamma Management Services GmbH.
Nous restons volontiers à votre disposition pour toute question à ce sujet.
Au nom de la direction
It is our goal to produce high quality, state of the art machines.
Not only do our machines meet all safety requirements and European quality standards, but they also come in a user-friendly and modern design to ensure ease of use.
Click here to learn more about our machines or our turnkey projects.
Dear Customers,
Dear Partners,
Dear Friends,
The history of Gammagroup Industries shows many milestones that have been influencing the development of the industrial sector through innovative technologies. The company has provided many excellent industrial systems to customers all over the world.
We look back on 40 years of continued growth that have led to Gammagroup Industries establishing itself as one of the premium system providers by combining engineering expertise with unmatched customer orientation.
We thank all our customers and partners for years of successful cooperation and value their trust in us.
Get to know Gammagroup Industries as the strong and reliable partner that it is!
With best regards,
Chehadé Abou Khalil
Dear Customers,
Dear Partners,
Dear Friends,
The history of Gammagroup Industries shows many milestones that have been influencing the development of the industrial sector through innovative technologies. The company has provided many excellent industrial systems to customers all over the world.
We look back on 40 years of continued growth that have led to Gammagroup Industries establishing itself as one of the premium system providers by combining engineering expertise with unmatched customer orientation.
We thank all our customers and partners for years of successful cooperation and value their trust in us.
Get to know Gammagroup Industries as the strong and reliable partner that it is!
With best regards,
Chehade Abou Khalil